
Gustavo Morales-Alonso is currently an Associate Professor in Economics, Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He is an advocate of the free markets, with a skeptical view of modern monetary policies, who distrusts fiat money, and aspires to leave a better world (with less State intervention) for his offspring. He accepts being referred to as a Libertarian. His scientific interests deal with the drivers of economic development, and the design of innovative, knowledge-based business models.

He has published in SCI-indexed journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and Journal of Business Research. He belongs to the Editorial Advisory Board of the European Journal of Innovation Management.

He was the recipient of the “Rosalind and Pei Chi Chou Award” (2011), “Agustín de Betancourt Grant” (2011 & 2012) and “Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado UPM” (2013).

He has formerly held positions as a project engineer in Madrid and Moscow, as well as a research scholar in Madrid (UPM) and Munich (TUM). He has also been a visiting professor at KTH (Stockholm, Sweden), Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (Italy), and  Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy).

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ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5753-495X

Scopus Author ID: 49861813900

My most recent publication

Most recently published:

Morales-Alonso, G., La Bella, A., Levialdi, N. G., & Hidalgo, A. (2024). Decoding Amazon’s innovation and partnerships in the Vendor Flex: meaningful alliances or imbalanced governance dynamics?. European Journal of Innovation Management. [Link to source]

For a complete updated list of publications (including journal papers, book chapters and conference proceedings), please refer to my academic CV, accesible from here  [Link to CV]

research interests

As an advocate of the free markets, Gustavo delivers his reseach in two different streams:

  • Stream I:

The impact of knowledge in the design of innovative, technology-based business models. He is interested in looking into the economies of sharing: what are the main features of the collaborative economy? Is it different from the platform and on-demand economies? How are these concepts linked with other concepts, such as servitization, alliances and vertical integration along ths supply chain? In spite of his free market orientation, Gustavo is not insensitive to the externalities associated with the arising of new business models.

  • Stream II:

Entrepreneurship with both macro- and micro-standpoints. What contextual factors are more conducive towards entrepreneurship and innovation? What are the main determinants of entrepreneurial aspirations?

PHD CANDIDATES (former + on-going)

Fatemeh Aminzadeh:  “Analysis of evolution of commercial air transport CO2 emissions in the European Union” (co-supervised with Gustavo Alonso Rodrigo) [Link to UPM repository]

Hakan Karaosman: “Sustainability integration in luxury fashion supply chains : An empirical investigation of leather and textiles in Italy” (co-supervised with Alessandro Brun) [Link to UPM repository]

Marin Jovanovic: “Navigating Manufacturing Firms to Service-led Business Models : a multi-case study from the capital goods industry” (co-supervised with Mats Engwall) [Link to UPM repository]

Alister La Bella: “Partnerships for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): integrating sustainability into business strategy” (co-supervised with Nathan Ghiron Levialdi).

Yulissa M. Navarro Castillo –  On female entrepreneurship.

María Magro Montero – On supply chain innovation.

David A. Coy – On digital innovation and the platform economy (co-supervised with Yilsy M. Núñez Guerrero).

Juan Francisco Reyes Sánchez – On innovation policies (co-supervised with Gustavo Alonso Rodrigo).

Contact Information

Unidad Docente de Economía

Departamento de Ingeniería de Organización, Administración de Empresas y Estadística

E.T.S.I. Industriales

c/ José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2

28006 – Madrid

Tel: +34 9106.77064
